050314 - CrossFit Fibre

And we come to the Hump Day of the short week. Fantastic I say. Everyone should be licking their wounds and healing from the 14.1 WOD and prepping with a toned down WOD just to stay active. Some may call this tapering and you are right. There is no need to go heavy right through the end whilst waiting for the next WOD. Predictions for 14.2? Burpees and Thrusters? Another repeat WOD from previous years? Anything is possible. We just have to wait and see.
5 Rounds For Reps; 1min per Movement; 1min Rest in between Rounds
Push Ups
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 50/30
Ring Rows
Hang Cleans 50/30
Box Jumps

March Fundamentals have been pushed forward another week to allow for more participants to come through. 4 out of 6 spots remain. Tag a mate who is keen to get into the swing of it. Get Fit, Get Cut, Get Tanked, Get Unbelievably awesome in life.