Reservations, Checking In and Logging Results with Zenplanner - CrossFit Fibre

FibreFam, please use this guide to assist yourself with the members check in page with Zenplanner.

Use this link below and bookmark it.

You will come to this page below.
CrossFit Fibre ZenPlanner Login 1

Plug in your Username and your Password.

CrossFit Fibre ZenPlanner Login 2

Logging in on your Mobile

On your mobile, it should look like the images below:


Reserve your Classes

All members are required to Reserve Your Spots in Class prior to attending class.
If the Classes are full and you are not on the Reserved List, you will be turned away when class is at capacity.
To reserve future classes click on “My Reservations“.
You will see the classes available for the day.


Select the classes that you would like to attend and you will be able to “Reserve” your spot.
Do the same for the entire week.


When confirmed you will see the green “Reserve” in there. You may cancel if things crop up, but too many cancels will result in Burpee penalties.

Check In

Click on “Check In” to check in to the class that you have booked yourself into. Say if you have gone to a Saturday am class at 9.00am.

Main Menu Options

Click back to the top right Menu button to log your scores.
You will see a list of options.


Logging your Workouts

To log your Workout results, click on “Workouts”
In the page below, you need to select “Fibre CF Program” if you are in the 6am/9.30am/6pm class. “Beg/Int” if you are in the 7pm Tue/Thurs.


You will see the workout. Click the “Log” button to enter your score and any comments you may have about the WOD.
Check the “Public” box. This is “Public” to FibreFam only.


My Profile

In My Profile you can edit your avatar and upload your pictures.
You can also edit your payment information in here and pay bills in the ” My Finances” tab.

Finally, do let us know if you are having any issues with your log in.