
19 Feb 16 – Sprint on Fours

Warm Up 4 Laps Bear Crawls 2Laps Bear Crawls 10/5 Samson Stretch 1min Super Couch Stretch/Leg WOD Sprint on Fours 500m Row 20 Ring Dips 20 Bear Crawls 20 Lunges 10 Ring Dips 10 Bear Crawls 10 Lunges 400m Run 3mins to complete Row Groups begin every 4 mins CORE WOD 90...

080216 Chinese New Year WOD

Squat Opener Mobility 3x 10x Ab Mat Sit Up 10x Air Squats 10x Ring Rows Banded Lat Stretch Chinese New Year WOD 8 Rounds 8 Thrusters 45/30 8 Burpees Box Jumps 8 Toe to Bar Properity to everyone in the Year of the...

22 Jan 16 Bell Me Friday

Warm Up 20 x 10m Laps (Let’s Play a Game) 20 x 3 Kipping Swings 10 x 3 Butterfly Swings Strength Thruster 1RM Thruster 10mins to Determine Max WOD Bell Me Friday 50 KettleBell Swings 50 Double Unders 40 KettleBell Swings 40 Box Jumps 30 KettleBell Swings 30 Chin...

21 Jan 16 Grip Intensive

Warm Up 10 Ball Throws and Catch R 10 Ball Throws and Catch L Thoracic Stretch on Foam Roller PVC Pipe Stretch Strength EMOM 10 min EMOM 2 Power Snatch 95% 1RM 6 Ring Dips WOD Grip Intensive 20 Hang Power Snatch 50/35 20 Deadlifts 15 Hang Power Snatch 15 Hang Power...

18 Jan 16

Warm Up Super Couch 2mins per side 2 rounds 200m run 10x ring rows 10x burpee Skills Handstand Push Up Handstand Push Up progressions Conditioning 12minute AMRAP 20x KB Clean and Jerk 10x Burpee Pull Up 100m...