Fibre FaceOff April 2 - CrossFit Fibre

CrossFit Fibre FaceOff 2016

It was a great day for a Competition, Fibre FaceOff April 02.

22 Athletes in total for our little battle at home, and the wods did not disappoint either. There was plenty of thrash talk and plenty of friendships were forged even more with this little battle at home.

WOD 1 – Sweat Logs
8 min TimeCap
30 Double Unders
20 Power Snatch
20 Pistols
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch
15 Pistols
30 Double Unders
10 Power Snatch
10 Pistols

WOD 2 – Jet Pack
7min AMRAP
5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Hang Cleans
10 Front Squats

WOD 3 – Oh My G!
7min AMRAP Ascending Reps 2,4,6,8,10,12…
Deadlift + Shoulder 2 Overhead
7 Toe To Bar

WOD 4 – Brute Force
1.1km Run + 20/10 Weights Vest
Max Rep Clean & jerk

WOD 5 – Le Finale
21 DB Thrusters
9 Ring Dips
100m Row
15 DB Thrusters
6 Ring Dips
300m Row
9 DB Thrusters
3 Ring Dips
500m Row

This was the final wod where the top 2 from each division battled out, Winner takes all. The battlw was in the Beginner division with Clint and Phillip gunning it out hard and Phillip having to work hard to stay in front with Clint planting the foot down a little too late into the workout.

Here are some images from the day.
The Rx Boys ready to run out for their 1km Run with a weights vest on.

CrossFIt Fibre FaceOff Winners and Participants

Beginner Men
1: Phillip Ma
2: Clint Sherwood
3: Ito Matos

Beginner Womens
1: Taryn Johnston
2: Audrey Cannon
3: Tash Sheriffs

Intermediate Men
1: Luuwi Huynh
2: Matt Crollick

Intermediate Women
1: Adele Heal
2: Julia Teggart

Rx Men
1: Keith Mckinney
2: Peter Devlin
3: Chris Mcgintty

Some stand out performances by our beginner division with a first comp for a few. So proud and happy to see everyone putting everything into the workout and leaving nothing on the table.

Fair to say that all athletes had a good time and we will be running more of these in the future.